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Hub 101: Playing & Practice Season Management

Learn how to streamline your CARA logs workflow using Teamworks Hub.

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About this course

Streamline all your CARA logs workflows with Teamworks Hub.

In this onboarding course, we’ll cover the various ways Compliance administrators and coaches can utilize the Teamworks’ Compliance module to manage CARA logs.

You’ll learn how to configure your department’s playing and practice season settings, add countable events to your calendar and view and approve CARA logs. We’ll also outline some best practices for using the compliance module most effectively.

Who should take this course? 

This course is separated into two sections based on individuals' role in the CARA log process.  The Compliance Administrator section is intended for compliance administrators responsible for managing CARA logs for their athletic department's teams. The Team Log Administrator section is intended for the main coach or staff member that will be generating and approving the team's logs.

*Compliance administrators should take BOTH sections of the course, as it is beneficial for compliance administrators to understand the entire CARA log process.

*Team Log Administrators should NOT take the Compliance Administrator section of this course. 

Duration: 25 minutes

We'll cover: 
  • Configuring Department Settings
  • Configuring Team Settings
  • Creating Declarations
  • Adding Countable Event Types
  • Viewing CARA Logs
  • Approving CARA Logs
  • Regenerating CARA Logs
  • Generating Time Management Plans
  • Adding Countable Team Events
  • Adding Competition in Travel
  • Adding, Editing and Removing Days Off
  • The Student-Athlete Approval Process

Curriculum25 min

  • Introduction 1 min
  • Compliance Administrators
  • Configure Department Settings 1 min
  • Create Declarations 1 min
  • Configure Team Settings 4 min
  • Add Countable Event Types 2 min
  • View CARA Logs 1 min
  • Approve CARA Logs 1 min
  • Regenerate CARA Logs 1 min
  • Generate Time Management Plan 2 min
  • Team Log Administrators (Coaches)
  • Add Countable Team Events 3 min
  • Add Competition in Travel 2 min
  • Add, Edit and Remove Days Off 1 min
  • View & Edit CARA Logs 2 min
  • Submit CARA Logs for Approval 1 min
  • Regenerate CARA Logs 1 min
  • Student-Athlete Approval Process 1 min
  • Best Practices
  • Congrats!

About this course

Streamline all your CARA logs workflows with Teamworks Hub.

In this onboarding course, we’ll cover the various ways Compliance administrators and coaches can utilize the Teamworks’ Compliance module to manage CARA logs.

You’ll learn how to configure your department’s playing and practice season settings, add countable events to your calendar and view and approve CARA logs. We’ll also outline some best practices for using the compliance module most effectively.

Who should take this course? 

This course is separated into two sections based on individuals' role in the CARA log process.  The Compliance Administrator section is intended for compliance administrators responsible for managing CARA logs for their athletic department's teams. The Team Log Administrator section is intended for the main coach or staff member that will be generating and approving the team's logs.

*Compliance administrators should take BOTH sections of the course, as it is beneficial for compliance administrators to understand the entire CARA log process.

*Team Log Administrators should NOT take the Compliance Administrator section of this course. 

Duration: 25 minutes

We'll cover: 
  • Configuring Department Settings
  • Configuring Team Settings
  • Creating Declarations
  • Adding Countable Event Types
  • Viewing CARA Logs
  • Approving CARA Logs
  • Regenerating CARA Logs
  • Generating Time Management Plans
  • Adding Countable Team Events
  • Adding Competition in Travel
  • Adding, Editing and Removing Days Off
  • The Student-Athlete Approval Process

Curriculum25 min

  • Introduction 1 min
  • Compliance Administrators
  • Configure Department Settings 1 min
  • Create Declarations 1 min
  • Configure Team Settings 4 min
  • Add Countable Event Types 2 min
  • View CARA Logs 1 min
  • Approve CARA Logs 1 min
  • Regenerate CARA Logs 1 min
  • Generate Time Management Plan 2 min
  • Team Log Administrators (Coaches)
  • Add Countable Team Events 3 min
  • Add Competition in Travel 2 min
  • Add, Edit and Remove Days Off 1 min
  • View & Edit CARA Logs 2 min
  • Submit CARA Logs for Approval 1 min
  • Regenerate CARA Logs 1 min
  • Student-Athlete Approval Process 1 min
  • Best Practices
  • Congrats!